Oct 29th 2023
As of this newsletter, there are just 9 days left until the big election day in Savannah. Please make a plan to vote! Your local elected officials have the greatest impact on your day to day lives, and we need proven leadership to guide our City through some of our community’s most pressing challenges. Also remember that every Savannahian gets to cast their ballot for four Representatives to the Council: one District Alderman, two At-Large, and the Mayor.
Oct 15th 2023
Friends, family, and neighbors - early voting is now upon us and I am calling upon your support so I may have the opportunity to serve you again. Over the last four years, we have served in some incredible times together - now I am counting on you to ensure Savannah’s best days are ahead of us. I am encouraging everyone to vote early. Over the next two weeks, you will have the opportunity to cast your ballot to chart Savannah’s future.

SEP 24th 2023
It’s a nice and cool 76 degrees here at campaign headquarters AKA ‘the fortress of solitude’ and that means that means a wave of incredible events and activities are upon us in Savannah. Between the Jazz Festival, the Hispanic Heritage Festival, Savannah Day of Peace, Phil the Park / Picnic in the Park, and the Hull Park Fall Festival, and so much more, we are right in the thick of a special time for our City.

SEP 10th 2023
This week we celebrated Union Mission’s Parker’s House first anniversary of service. As Savannah continues to make investments and provide leadership to end homelessness in our community, it is incredible to see the power of partnerships at work.

AUG 27th 2023
This week I officially qualified for the opportunity to serve you once again as your 4th District Alderman with Kristen right by my side.
Over the past term, we have served through some of the most tumultuous times in our Nation's history, and with proven leadership and fortitude, I am proud to say that we have made incredible accomplishments for our District and our City, emerging stronger on the other side.

AUG 13th 2023
This week in Savannah, residents came together to save lives. It’s all part of the City of Savannah’s Vision Zero initiative - which aims to save lives and eliminate traffic death from City streets by 2027.

JULY 16TH, 2023
A Rabbi, an urban planner, and a Congressman walk into a meeting… No, it’s not the setup for a joke; it’s been my reality for the past week to meet with some of the most prominent leaders in the Savannah community to discuss our housing crisis. It earned the most attention on my calendar for sure, and with good reason...

JULY 2ND, 2023
On October 9th, 1779, a combined international force of over 5,000 troops attempted to free the City of Savannah from their British overlords in the War for American Independence. In the frontal assault to liberate the City, 244 colonial troops would perish, 584 were wounded, and 120 were captured fighting in the name of liberty...

JUNE 18TH, 2023
"This week I took a quick stop at our City’s Municipal Archives for some historical research into our stormwater and resiliency efforts and Hurricane Katrina is fresh on my mind again. I was a Junior studying at the University of South Alabama in Mobile when the system slammed into the Gulf Coast in 2005..."

JUNE 4TH, 2023
"Did you know that the Savannah Civic Center was not the first municipal entertainment venue on the site? In 1916, The City of Savannah completed the Municipal Auditorium designed by famed Savannah architect Henrik Wallin. It was razed in 1971 to make way for the Savannah Civic Center...

Oct 23rd 2023
It was an honor to join the Savannah Chapter NAACP this week for their municipal forums to encourage their members to VOTE! Early voting totals have been rolling in and as of this past Friday, October 20th, only 1,800 Savannahians have voted in our municipal election so far. With an extended early voting period and so many flexible locations to cast your ballot across our City, it’s easier than ever to let your voice be heard. Please make a plan and encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to vote. We are depending upon you to continue the incredible strides we have made for housing and mobility for all Savannahians.

Oct 8th 2023
“I came here to serve the people of Savannah and chew bubblegum, and I’m all out of bubblegum.”
These were my opening remarks in this week’s Georgia Southern University debate series for the upcoming election on November 7th. Through enormous hardship, externally and internally, we have delivered on many of the profoundly challenging objectives we set out to do four short years ago...

SEP 17th 2023
This week, we gave sincere thanks and gratitude for the first responders in the Savannah community, as well as celebrating the neighborhoods and communities they call home. When it comes to violent crime, one homicide is always one too many, but our City is currently experiencing a dramatic reduction in violent crime, and it is always a great time to give credit and kudos to our public servants for doing their best to protect our City.

SEP 3rd 2023
Once again, Savannah stands strong.
Hurricane Idalia passed through our City this past week and as it traveled away from us I felt very fortunate that we escaped the worst. This Hurricane wasn’t without incident, as many downed trees and power outages caused damage and frustration, but at time I drafted this Note, only five residents are left without power in Chatham County.

AUG 6th, 2023
Abraham Lincoln’s quote of “... if I had five minutes to cut down a tree, I would spend the first three sharpening my axe,” may be apocryphal but it is such a good quote I’m using it anyway. This week, I spent the majority of my time ‘sharpening the axe’ in a way most befitting a member of Savannah City Council and completed a course to become a registered civil mediator in Georgia.

JULY 9TH, 2023
When I got the news in late 2019 that I’d have the honor to serve, I knew exactly where to start - service delivery. A few years prior, volunteers from the neighborhood scoured the streets for opportunities for improvement including broken sidewalks, overgrown vegetation, and even a leaky water meter or two and utilized the City’s 311 service as a hub for mobilizing City resources...

JUNE 25TH, 2023
"This week, I got a peek into Savannah’s future. The 13th annual Clean Energy Roadshow came into town with new and established alternative fuel vehicles on display at Savannah’s Civic Center. Amongst them, the new Hyundai Ionic 5 - one of the first models that will be built by Savannahians at the Hyundai Metaplant..."